Tuesday, March 9, 2010

HQ Results............Finally!

¡Al fín! Sorry it took me so long. There were two major reasons: (1) Laziness and (2) Tech un-savvy. This was a pretty involved project, so my hat is off to you Saje, for quizzing and posting in a timely manner. You rock and roll!

I just discovered effects. I have over used them in this video. I am not sorry.

Helium. Is. Awesome.

Lo siento Dominick. Quicktime me conquistó. Hagaré restitución.


Jesseca said...

Wow Paula job well done again!!
The only thing that could have made that any funnier is if Rachel had laughed after saying when death is on the line!

Sajethegirl said...

Well done. Well done indeed.

Unknown said...

Totally Awesome.

Sierra Haugland said...

whatever happened to this blog..LET'S GET IT POPPIN!!!!